Knowing what we know about North Korea, does the same apply as it did in 1945  with the use of the Atomic bomb on Japan? (Dropping a bomb on North Korea)  Why or Why not?! Do you think all countries should have Nuclear capabilities? Why or Why not?  If you are unaware of what is going on in North Korea, research some of search engines.

hunter vandiver
4/11/2013 10:43:09 pm

the same dos not apply as it did in 1945 because we are not at war and we could easily over power north korea with the help of our ally south korea and they are also not an immediate threat unlike japan who we were at war with.so we have no reason to drop a bomb on them. and i think that no countries should be able to have nuclear capabilities at all because all that will happen is mass destruction and the elimination of the human race. because with the radiation we have bombs that can take out a whole country.

owen mowery
4/11/2013 10:43:32 pm

i think we should not bomb north korea because they have more capabilities in nuclear warfare. i think not all countries should have nuclear bombs or even access to the materials some countries are ignorant and will use it for a stupid reason. north korea is threatening to nuke the U.S. because they have there little sumo man thong in a wad.

4/11/2013 11:00:45 pm

the little sumo man thong? Thats a very good reasoning.

hunter vandiver
4/11/2013 11:07:39 pm

yeah they got a thong wedgie!

Jennifer Le
4/11/2013 11:03:17 pm

Little sumo man thong..? What? This made me laugh . And yes some countries are ignorant and will use the nuclear stuff for stupid reasons.

hunter vandvier
4/11/2013 11:06:55 pm

yeah they got a thong wedgie

hunter vandiver
4/11/2013 11:03:40 pm

your wwrong owen they got a wedgie

Chris Zink
4/11/2013 10:46:40 pm

No because, today sciencetist spent more time trying to make the bombs more powerful. Which will make a bigger kaboom and will cause wayy more damage than the one in 1945. Also if they launched one at us i think our technology is way better and more advanced that we will be able to detect a bomb in the U.S and make it not explode in the U.S. I dont think countries should nuclear capabilities because it is very dangerous and can cause alotttt of damage and harm all around it.

Maria bradley
4/11/2013 10:54:07 pm

i dont think its the same as it was in 1945 because 1. thee are even more innocent civilians, 2. North Korea has about as much nuclear power as we do, and 3. were not at war with North Korea. Even though they said they are going to bomb us, i dont think they will. i dont even understand why they want to! Is it cause that NBA player went over there? i have no clue. so.. yeah.

Jennifer Le
4/11/2013 10:58:03 pm

I agree . You have a very good point and i don't think they're really gonna bomb us either.

Jennifer Le
4/11/2013 10:56:45 pm

I dont think all countries should have nuclear abilities because you never know what they would do with it. Some countries may say that they are allies of you but they can turn on you anytime . i still dont really get why they want to bomb us.. i dont really watch the news or know a lot about this..

4/11/2013 10:58:17 pm

I agree.

4/11/2013 10:59:57 pm

because you have a good point. i dont watch the news either so we cn not understand this together.

Jerry L
4/11/2013 10:58:16 pm

No I would not advice the use of Atomic bombings because I believe it could cause other countries to begin distrusting us. And as for all countries having nuclear capabilities in an ideal world no nuclear weapons would exist we would focus on our military not our nuclear weapons.

caitlyn king
4/11/2013 11:00:58 pm

i agree , because most places wouldn't trust us if we use the atomic bomb.

Kyler Lehman
4/11/2013 11:03:30 pm

You have a good point, we don't need a WWIII with America vs. everyone.

caitlyn king
4/11/2013 10:58:56 pm

no, because we know what the bomb will do, especially how over the years the bombs have been getting better and better over the years. that means that it will destroy move and kill more innocent people. so, the U.S. government doesn't want to kill innocent people. not all countries should have nuclear bombs, because they would be launching them at anyone who they think deserves it. most places dont even have the technology to build a nuclear bomb.

Kyler Lehman
4/11/2013 11:06:08 pm

I agree because we know what happened to civilian innocent lives in Japan so the same could happen to any country.

caitlyn king
4/11/2013 11:07:10 pm

thank you for agreeing with me! :D

hunter vandiver
4/11/2013 11:08:29 pm

its all wrong haha :D

Kyler Lehman
4/11/2013 11:01:07 pm

No, the same does not apply as it did in 1945. Since we are about almost 70 years in the future, Korea's nuclear warfare is likely improved. Not only may the atomic bombs be available to them or improved now, but they probably have better weapons. I don't think all countries should have Nuclear capabilities because some countries are more greedy or power hungry than others and bomb many other countries.

caitlyn king
4/11/2013 11:04:08 pm

i agree with everything that you wrote.

Kyle Black
4/11/2013 11:03:02 pm

The same does not apply today because if we bomb them, they bomb us. Back in 1945 they had no bomb like we did, now they do and it is probably just as powerful as ours is. And we both have innocent civilians the would die for doing nothing at all. Not all countries should have nuclear capabilities because they cannot be trusted with all that power.

erica metzgar
4/11/2013 11:06:29 pm

i dont think we should, because the use of atomic bombs because i feel that if only some countries had them then other countries would distrust eachother. I dont think any country should have that much power and cause more distruction then they should.

4/11/2013 11:09:18 pm

I don't believe the same replies because then we would start the war and possibly loose some alies because we would start it. If we did that to them a lot of innocent people would die.

Rosa Jaime
4/14/2013 11:45:46 am

No because we're not in war as we were in 1945. I also don't think that all countries should have nuclear capabilities because once one country bombs another country then everyone would start bombing each other. Many innocent people would be killed. Also there would be less use of the military.

4/15/2013 11:03:48 pm

I feel that we were in the wrong to take so many innocent lives and to create something so distractive and to kill people. So what if we all dont agree on things. A lot of teachers dont agree with other teachers but you dont see them throwing bombs and shooting guns at each other. This is setting an bad example for kids to get along. I dont understand how people can look others in the eye and kill them. We are a messed up and crewel planet. So no i dont think we should ever use such a thing again. We should all just try to work together and get along.

cheyenne yen
4/18/2013 01:04:55 pm

Dropping an atomic bomb on North Korea is not a smart move on the part of the United States and it's Allies.nnNorth Korea has done little more than threaten the United States with the same action. North Korea has limited amounts of uranim to build their nuclear weapons. Where as thge United states Has an abondance of Nuclear Bombs and the resources to manufacture more. The dropping of a Nuclear Bomb would only prove to destroy mankind and the world as we know it.

BJ VanPelt
4/28/2013 11:00:34 pm

Yes I believe that the same does apply for North Korea sure those civilians may seem to be innocent which they are but they also aren't because the North Korean citizens have definitely seen the U.S. helping every country that asks us to help overthrow their government but the North Korean citizens still haven't asked us for help so either they want to stay a communist country or their to scared to ask for help so i think before we just blow up North Korea we should see whether or not if the citizens want to stay communist which if the citizens of North Korea don't want to stay communist then we can help them overthrow their government but if they want to stay communist I would kindly press the launch button for the U.S. nuclear missile(s) to hit North Korea. also I don't think all countries should have the right to use or even own nuclear missiles because if that was the case either everyone would just launch nuclear missiles at each other and we all would die and also because what if say Germany has a few nukes and someone like Hitler starts to rule Germany and either unexpectedly starts World War 3 by either launching nukes every where or by threatening people and then they just surrender I mean we all just let Germany have whatever they wanted for a while when they weren't even a threat now imagine that happening all over again except this time imagine Hitler has nukes I mean the only reason why we won World War 2 is because Albert Einstein wrote the president at the time Franklin D. Roosevelt letting him know that Germany was working on creating the atomic bomb it was a miracle that we beat them to it because they had a head start by 2 years and they also had the two only know places with abundance of heavy water and uranium ,two key ingredients needed to make the atomic bomb, Norway and Czechoslovakia.


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