After examining the Holocaust website (the page you linked too), What was the purpose of the "Forced Labor Camps?" EXPLAIN them.  What differences AND similarities do Labor and Killing camps share? 

EXPLAIN by making a CLAIM, supporting it with EVIDENCE, and WARRANTING it!  
This Extended Response should take you the entire class period because you must research AND construct a thorough response.   

Remember however, IF you get done early, begin researching a specific concentration camp and collection data using the website provided! 

3/1/2013 01:49:22 am

the purpose of forced labor was pointless and just to humiliat them and they didnt get proper equipment,clothin,nourishment or rest. and it killed the jews because of malnuritment. similarities between killing camps and forced labor camps was in the labor camps they made you do manual labor until died but in killing camps they basically just killed you instead of a long death like in the labor camps they were just worried about killing the people the differences was that in labor camps you loved until u died from malnutrition or something elese and the concentration camps were more organized .

Mr. Mitchen
3/4/2013 01:04:52 am

Ms. harsh, this needs a little more attention to detail. You need to focus on creating a better claim and writing a little more clear with less grammatical errors. Lets see those efforts I saw at the beginning of the semester.

9/27/2018 06:49:38 am


Shelby Kelly
3/1/2013 01:50:41 am

The purpose of the forced labor camps was really nothing. they were pointless and humiliating for the Jews and other people in the camps. The labor was imposed without proper equipment, clothing, nourishment, or even rest. these formed a core part of the concentration camp regimen.
A concentration camp (or killing camp) is similar to a forced labor camp because people die there; these people die of malnourishment not enough rest, and not having correct tools. The difference is that a forced labor camp you're going there to "WORK" and other things. where as at a concentration camp, you were basically sentenced to die as soon as you set foot in the camp. you were branded and you maybe, had a day or two before you would die. most of the people at concentration camps died by poison gas, or starvation; the people at forced labor camps died of malnourishment, and being worked too hard. These camps were established to control the population of the Jews and eventually(hopefully) get rid of them.

Mr. Mitchen
3/4/2013 01:06:09 am

Ms. Kelly, Great Job here! Keep up the good work! The only thing that would make this stand out even more, is creating a CLAIM at the beginning stating what you are going to discuss or something that draws the readers attention. Great Job!

Patrick Stinson
3/1/2013 01:53:09 am

Throughout the holocaust there were 2 different types of camps that jews and others were sent too. Some of them were labor camps, and some of them were concentration camps or death camps. the labor camps were sometimes actual camps and sometimes they were just apart of the ghettos. If you were sent to a labor camp and couldnt work, they would kill you right out. But if you were able to work they would put you to work building railroads and other things. Another huge difference between the death camps and labor camps were the living conditions. At he death camps, the prisoners sometimes wouldnt eat or have water for days. but at the labor camps they had to feed the prisoners so that they would have energy and the ability to work. Also at the death camps the prisoners were almost always killed. But at the work sometimes they could survive and not be killed because they could work.

Mr. Mitchen
3/4/2013 01:07:23 am

Mr. Stinson, Great Work! Love the claim! Makes the reader aware of what you are going to discuss. If I was reading this response without seeing the question, I would know what you are talking about! Keep it up!

Nick Pollack
3/1/2013 01:55:51 am

Labor camps were made during the Holocaust because of labor shortages in Germany, the Germans needed more laborers to work in factories. They took thousands of Jewish prisoners and placed them in labor camps to work in industrial buildings. Unlike Killing camps, labor camps did not kill the Jews, but both benefited the Germans in an economic way.

Mr. Mitchen
3/4/2013 01:08:14 am

Mr. Pollack, Not bad, but you need to focus on providing more evidence that will assist in your claim. Good start, keep working hard in class!

Conner bates
3/1/2013 01:57:47 am

The holocaust there were 2 different types of camps that jews and others were sent too. Some of them were labor camps, and some of them were concentration camps or death camps.labor camps were sometimes actual camps. as with killing camps........

Mr. Mitchen
3/4/2013 01:09:24 am

Mr. Bates, While I can I see you were not finished, you need to focus your attention to the assignment while doing class work. Less talking with peers and more focusing and working on assignment so that you can continue growing as a student while getting better at writing extended responses.

Kasidi Jacobs
3/1/2013 01:58:12 am

in the holocost there were 2 different camps , that all the jews and such went to . some where labor camps and others where consetration/ death camps most were in the ghettos, if you went to a labor camp and wouldnt/couldnt work the nazis would kill you. you wouldnt be able to eat for days at the death camps

Mr. Mitchen
3/4/2013 01:10:51 am

Ms. jacobs, You have potential to do great things in class. You have showed it. Now lets keep it going. You need a stronger claim here. Perhaps less talking with peers during class work is a good starting point to make sure you are putting full effort into your assignments.

Taylor Penix
3/1/2013 01:58:35 am

The jews were put into labor camps and into concentration camps , or sometimes called death camps. Labor camps were apart of the ghetto. If you couldn't do the work when you got sent to one, they would straight up kill you. They usually had people build railroads and things. At concentrations camps, you would barely eat and wouldn't have any energy to work. At least the labor camps fed you.

Mr. Mitchen
3/4/2013 01:11:52 am

Ms. Penix, You have shown that you can effectively answer extended responses. Perhaps a little less talking with peers during class work and more focusing on your assignment is a good starting point.

3/1/2013 01:59:12 am

Forced labors were to embarass the jews. They didn't have good clothing, food, or housing, & malnutrience killed them. At labor camps they made you do manual labor until you died. At the killing camps they were just concerned with killing you

Mr. Mitchen
3/4/2013 01:14:54 am

Ms. Sweitzer, you need much more to complete this response. Focus a little more and do not be afraid to ask for help or see me after class if you need too

joe heffernan
3/1/2013 01:59:19 am

The difference between a concentration camp and a forced labor camp was Jews and other races would be forced to work without proper equipment, clothing, nourishment, or rest. In these forced labor camps............not done.

Mr. Mitchen
3/4/2013 01:16:25 am

Mr. Heffernan, continue with your response by just Replying here. Continue working hard in class and do not start slacking off because you received a great exam grade!

Julia McMullen
3/1/2013 01:59:34 am

During the Holocaust, the Germans created Forced Labor Camps and Concentration (killing) Camps. The main reason for creating Forced Labor Camps was because there was labor shortages in the German war economy, so the German's created them for economic gain. In 1942-1943 after the German defeat in the battle of Stalingrad, there was an increase of prisoners as forced laborers. The prisoners, or Jews, used Force Labor Camps as a way to live. There are differences and similarities between Killing and Labor camps. When the Germans captured the Jews, they decided which ones were healthy and strong and which ones were not. The difference between these camps is that the Jews that the Germans saw as useless were sent straight to Killing camps to be murdered. At the labor camps, Jews worked there and were able to live longer. Also, the Germans fed the men at labor camps, but they did not feed them at Killing camps. The similarities between these camps is that all the Jews were used for economic reasons to help benefit the Germans, and men were humiliated in both camps. Life in both of these camps was horrible, and no one should have ever had to go through it.

Mr. Mitchen
3/4/2013 01:18:14 am

Ms. McMullen, Once again, a great response!!!! Such an engaging response! Keep up the GREAT work!!!!

3/1/2013 01:59:47 am

The main purpose for the forced labors is the Nazis singled out the Jewish Laborers for cruel treatment

3/5/2013 11:18:20 pm

There were two different kinds of camps throughout the holocaust, labor camps and concentration camps or death camps. Jews and others were sent there. They were sen to the labor camps to work until the died, and after they died they were burned in a fire pit. The concentration camps were camps that jews and others were sent to to die, they would shave the heads of women and then put them in gas chambers for them to sufficate and die.

Anastasia Fitzsimmons
3/1/2013 02:00:02 am

Forced labor camps were a way to let Jews live, or to let them try to live. Many Nazi's called them "extermination through work," because they would work the Jews to death. Mostly men were chosen to work in these forced labor camps, while others were sent to immediate death. The Nazi's only chose men that they saw as fit and healthy enough to do hard labor. Private companies used Jews to do work because they saw them as "a source of cheap labor." A difference between the killing camps were different from the labor camps because the killing camps didn't give the Jews any chance to live. The labor camps put off the death of the Jews and let them work, while at the killing camps they were killed immediately. A similarity is that both camps treated the Jews cruelly. In both camps, they were fed rotten food, little water, and given little clothing or living space.

Mr. Mitchen
3/4/2013 01:19:40 am

Ms. Fitzsimmons, again, you provide us with a great response!!! Keep up the good work and continue focusing on ways to engage the reader with effective Claims that open up your response!

Abigail hood
3/1/2013 02:00:20 am

The main purpose of The Labor Camps was for economic gain. They build Factories for jews to work in. The ability to work kept the jews alive but for most, this was only temporarily.
In the concentration camps The people were worked to death. They had One pair of clothing. Jews had to sleep in a non-isulated barracks with no windows & no bathroom just a bucket. They were served rotten food, bitter coffe and tea. They were tattooed on their left arm with numbers so people knew who they were. They were gassed too death, then cremated to get rid of the bodies.
One difference between these two camps is that in labor camps the jews dont work get work till they were literally worked to death like the concentration camps. The jews in the labor camps that were saw as unproductive were usually the ones to get shot or deported first. Both camps were gaurded so that the jews couldnt get away.

Mr. Rodgers
3/1/2013 02:01:07 am

There was no point of the concentration camps... They were basically there to get rid of Jews because when they went there, 99% of the Jews that went there were killed. They died very miserable and painful ways. A concentration camp was a camp to work. You were still pretty much guaranteed to die, but they were usually worked to death; not just killed. These camps that Adolph Hitler created were there to reduce the population of Jews and i'd definently say it worked!

Katie Sweitzer #2
3/5/2013 11:41:58 pm

There were really no point to concentration camps, it was pretty much a place to gather & humiliate all the jews before killing them. Jews were worked to death at the forced labor camps if they were seen as fit to work, which Germans benefited from. at the killing camps they were seen as useless and given no chance to live, they were sent there to die.

Mr. mitchen
3/5/2013 11:43:31 pm

Yes, this is a better explanation of the events; however, you need to focus on ELABORATING on your evidence. How? Why? What was the reasoning behind this?

3/6/2013 02:05:15 am

The labor camps were actual camps and often they were just apart of the ghetto. If you were sent to a labor camp and couldnt work, they would kill you right off the spot. But if you were able to work they would put you to work building railroads and other things sometimes making graves. They would give you food but not enough as needed. Just enough where they had the ability to work strongly. The working conditions were bad but not as bad at they could be compared to the killing camps. The difference between the killing camps and labor camps were the living conditions. At the killing camps, the prisoners sometimes wouldn't eat or have water for days. But at the labor camps they had to feed the prisoners so that they would have energy and the ability to work. Also, at the killing camps the prisoners were almost always killed just about right off the spot if you were sent there. But if they worked efficiently sometimes they could survive and not be killed because they could work. Labor camps were far from good but better than the killing camps.

Sarah Treen
3/7/2013 03:02:52 am

In the holocaust, there were two different types of camps. One was a labor camp were people worked with little food. The other were concentration camps or death camps were people could be sentenced to certain death. They were some big differences between the two camps. Labor camps were if you were between a certain age and had good health conditions to work. They gave you the amount of food you needed to survive and to work properly. Death camps were or if you had bad heath conditions or you were too old or too young. At death camps the prisoners were always killed. They wouldn't feed you for days or weeks at death camps and let you suffer.

Ronnie Dawson
3/8/2013 01:59:05 am

Labor camps were enforced in Germany during the Holocaust. They were enforced because of labor shortages as a result of German war economy. For example, after the defeat at the battle of Stalingrad, forced labor was increased in Germany. Concentration or killing camps are different from labor camps. The Germans imprison all the Jews, and then send the strongest ones to forced labor camps where they work to live, but the weak are sent to the killing camps where they almost always die right away. Similarities between the camps were both camps' living conditions were awful and treated the prisoners terribly, and both were used for economic benefit in Germany.

1/25/2017 06:37:35 am

jews died sad things happend sadly ppl dies


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